St Joseph’s & St Mary’s Aldershot


Address: St Joseph’s Church Queens Road, Aldershot GU11 3JB

St Mary’s Church Bellevue Road, Aldershot GU12 4RX

Telephone number: 01252 320956

Parish priest: Fr Rob Stewart

Parish administrator: Debbie May

Parish office email address:

Mass times:

    • Monday 9.30am at St Mary’s
    • Tuesday 9.30am at St Joseph’s
    • Wednesday 9.30am at St Mary’s
    • Thursday 9.30am at St Joseph’s
    • Friday No Mass
    • Saturday 12am at St Joseph’s
    • Saturday 5.30pm at St Mary’s Vigil Mass
    • Sunday:
      • 9am at St Joseph’s
      • 10.30am at St Joseph’s



  • 11-11.45am (St Joseph’s)
  • 4.45-5.15pm (St Mary’s) or by arrangement

Holy Hour and Benediction :

  • Wednesday: 7pm at St Joseph’s


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General information

St Joseph’s Parish covers the whole of Aldershot and comprises the congregations of St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Queen’s Road and St Mary’s Catholic Church, Belle Vue Road and the local Catholic community, including two outstanding Catholic Schools (St Joseph’s Primary Academy and All Hallows Secondary School) which were both built by our parish.


St Joseph’s Parish dates back to the 1860’s when the Diocese of Southwark took over responsibility for the Catholic population of around 1000 from the Army Chaplains who had previously cared for them. In 1867 a school room was opened in the High Street for 48 children. This increased the following year to 67. As a result, in 1869 the Bishop of Southwark, The Right Reverend Thomas Grant appointed Fr Thomas Purcell as the first Priest in Charge of the Aldershot Mission District which extended to a circumference of some 60 miles! A disused Public House on the corner of Alexandra Road and Cambridge Road (now flats) opposite the former Franciscan Convent was formally opened as a combined chapel and school on 29th July 1869. Fr Purcell was forced to resign in 1871, his health broken by his labours, but not before he had purchased the plot of land on the corner of Queens Road and Edward Street where the current St Joseph’s Church stands. In May 1882, the Diocese of Portsmouth was formed and Aldershot was moved from Southwark to become part of the new diocese.

So, over 150 years later we still have a thriving Catholic Community in Aldershot with two churches – St Joseph’s & St Mary’s – and two schools, both built by the parish – St Joseph’s Primary Academy and All Hallows Secondary School.

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