In summary, stewardship IS:

A way of life;
 A way of thanking God for all His blessings by returning a portion of the time, talent and treasure allotted to us;
Based on Scripture, both Old and New Testament;
A spiritual way of life that leads to conversion and a deeper relationship with Jesus;
Based on the fact that God has given each of us a talent or talents to do certain things well; and
Giving the first fruits of our time, talent and treasure, not what is left over.

Stewardship is NOT:

Based solely on the Church's need to receive but on the individual's need to give in thanksgiving;
Limited to treasure but has an equal focus on time and talent;
A gimmick to raise funds or recruit volunteers; and
Limited to the Church but also includes the wider community.

Stewardship - how can I be involved in our Parish community?

Whilst there are many ways we can live our lives as good stewards in our daily lives at home, work or in the local community, the following are some ways that we could be stewards within our Parish community:

Reader of the Word at Mass
Eucharistic Minister, either at Mass or taking to the sick
Contribute to Planned Giving Program
Involvement in Music Ministry
Children's Liturgy
Altar Server (Junior or Senior Server)
Baptism preparation team
Catechist (in our local public schools)
RCIA team member (assisting with preparation of people looking to join our faith community)
Counting of Sunday collections
Hospitality team
Welcomers (at Sunday liturgy)

These are just a few of the ways that members of our faith community are able to contribute their time, treasure and talents to make this Parish a vibrant, welcoming, faith filled community in the true spirit of the Catholic ethos. You can find other possible activities on your local Parish website and we always welcome suggestions for new activities or ministries that will continue to add to the vibrancy of our Diocesan community.
