The Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth has partnered with market-leading solicitors and will-writing providers to offer anyone over 18 to easily write or update a basic simple or mirror Will for free. Whether you would like to write your Will in person, online or over the ‘phone you will be expertly supported through the process. You are under no obligation to leave the Diocese a gift in your Will, but a gift of this kind is an opportunity to make a lasting gift to God and His Church.
Making or updating a Will is an expression of profound confidence that Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life; it is a mature and thoughtful way of acknowledging our own mortality. Making provision for the Church in our Will is a continuation and crown of the service we ourselves may have offered over many years, in terms of our time, our talents and our treasure. It is following in the footsteps of all those whose generosity in generations past has bequeathed us the Church we know and love today.
It reminds us that through baptism we belong to the great communion of saints, united with the Lord as a member of His Church both on earth and in heaven. Once you have considered your loved ones, you may choose to leave a legacy to a specific cause, Pastoral Area or parish in the Diocese; or, as good stewards, we will apply any gift given for the Diocese’s general charitable purposes where there is the greatest need. Do please get in touch if you would like further information by emailing
We’ve partnered with expert will writers, Octopus Legacy, to make giving a gift in your will to the Church even easier, though of course in claiming your FREE Will, you are under no obligation make provision for the Diocese or your particular parish.
Book to write your will over the phone: when you call 0800 773 4014.
Book a face-to-face meeting when you call 0800 773 4014. Meetings can be arranged across the Diocese, including on Jersey and Guernsey.
This service is regulated by the Financial Services Authority. All options are conducted and completed by regulated Will-writers and STEP-certified lawyers.
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