Gosport Parish of St Mary’s and St Columba’s
Priest-in-Charge: Fr Matthew King
Deacon: Dcn John Cumpsty
Parish Administrator: Clarinda Mansfield
St Mary’s Church and Parish Office
32 High Street
PO12 4LP
St Columba’s Church
(temporarily closed)
Contact Number: 02392 580 119
Email address: office@stmarysgosport.org.uk
Office hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-12nn
Mass Times:
(all services are at St Mary’s)
Tuesday: 12:00nn
Wednesday: 07:00pm
Thursday: 07:00pm
Friday: 12:00nn
Saturday : 06:00pm (Vigil Mass)
Sunday: 08:00am and 11:15am
Confession Times:
Wednesday: 6:15pm – 6:45pm (if Mass is celebrated)
Saturday: 12:00nn – 1:00pm
Eucharistic Adoration:
Thursday: after the 7:00pm Mass (with night prayer)
Friday: 10:00am -12:00nn with a Rosary for the unborn at 10:00am
Other Activities:
– Children’s Liturgy every second Sunday of the month.
– Tea and Coffee in the parish hall after the 11:15am Mass