Anne-Marie Eden
Trustee Chair
Dr Rich John
Independent Deputy Chair
Richard is currently a lecturer at the University of Portsmouth teaching
a variety of courses in criminology, criminal justice and research methods at both post and under-graduate level. Prior to this, Richard was a lecturer at Solent University within the Law and Criminology department.
Richard is the current Deputy Chair for the Portsmouth Diocese Safeguarding Sub-Committee and was Chair for the Portsmouth Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and interim Chair for the Portsmouth Adult Safeguarding Board, responsible for the independent scrutiny and review of child and adult safeguarding in Portsmouth.
Richard was a former senior police officer with both operational and strategic executive experience in a variety of roles that included head of
public protection (adult and children) and strategic partnerships for Hampshire Constabulary.
Dr Sarah Schofield
Sub-Committee Member (Primary Care)
Doctor Sarah Schofield joined the Safeguarding Sub-Committee in August 2020. She is a qualified Medical Doctor working in General Practice and is the current Chair of NHS West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group; the largest CCG in Hampshire, with responsibility for commissioning health and care services for a population of over 500,000 people. She is a member of the Parish of St Brigid of Kildare, West End (Southampton).
Jaq Doran
Sub-Committee Member (Safeguarding and Public Protection)
Jackie joined the Safeguarding Sub-Committee in September 2020. She has spent 30 years working in the field of safeguarding, public protection and risk management as part of both the lead and supporting agencies.
Rev Fr John Lee
Clergy Sub-Committee Member
Fr John Lee is the current Chair of the Diocesan Council of Priests, a member of the College of Consultors, and the Clergy Advisor for safeguarding. He has been a priest for over thirty years, serving in London and Christchurch, and is currently the Parish Priest in St Joseph’s Maidenhead (since 2014). He spent his first eight years working with young people who were caught up in the ‘drug scene’ who had contracted HIV/AIDS. He has worked extensively as a school and hospital Chaplain. He holds a Master’s in Pastoral Theology and a Foundation Degree in Healthcare Chaplaincy. He has served as Clergy Advisor for Safeguarding for the last seven years. He sees the position of Clergy Advisor as a developing role supporting the Safeguarding Sub-Committee and the Clergy of the Diocese. He is involved in the induction meetings for priests who are new to the Diocese.
Rev Canon PJ Smith
Clergy Trustee Sub-Committee Member
Episcopal Vicar for Education. Canon PJ as the Episcopal Vicar for Education is responsible for all our Catholic Schools. As the leader of the Vicariate for Education he heads the teams working to support education across the diocese. In addition, Canon PJ serves as the Head of Educational Chaplaincies, and is responsible for providing the strategic direction for Youth Ministry across the diocese, coordinating the Youth Ministers and the Confirmation Catechists. He also provides support, encouragement and continuing professional development for our School and University Chaplains. He organises the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes as well as taking the lead in World Youth Day Pilgrimages. He is also a member of the Trustee Board.
Fr Chris Heaps
Clergy Trustee Sub-Committee Member
Fr Christopher is the Co-Ordinating Pastor for the Reading Pastoral Area and the Parish Priest of St James and St William of York in Reading and St Joseph’s in Tilehurst. Fr Christopher was appointed as a member of the Trustee Board and the sub-committee in December 2022 and as the Diocesan Vocations Director in 2024.
Moira Howorth
Sub-Committee Member
Moira joined the Safeguarding Committee in May 2022. Moira has worked for over 30 years in Catholic education, with experience in the the fields of safeguarding and supporting children's mental health and wellbeing. Moira is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Senior Mental Health Lead for St Edmunds Catholic School, Portsmouth, as well as a Safeguarding Advisor for Plan B, an alternative provision in Gosport.