“The Church will have to initiate everyone – priests, religious and laity – into this “art of accompaniment” which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other.” Pope Francis Evangelii Gaudium
Our desire is to share practical skills to help everyone learn to journey spiritually alongside others, with the assurance of Jesus Christ walking with them.
Prayerful reflections and small group conversations help participants to recognise and talk about their own relationship with Jesus and learn the fundamental skills of easy but attentive conversations. The vision is to enable many more parishioners to understand, support and walk alongside parishioners, friends, family, and acquaintances.
Our vision is to enable people to “lead others ever closer to God, in whom we attain true freedom.” Pope Francis Evangelii Gaudium
Whatever your involvement in the community of the Church or with family or friends drifting towards or away from the church, you will almost certainly be having spiritual conversations from time to time. Ananias training helps develop an understanding of the spiritual journey and how generous listening, with greater awareness of another person’s unique journey, can open people to desire to become closer to Christ and belong to the church.
To find out about upcoming courses or to organise sessions in your parish, contact us
Inspired by the important role Accompaniment played in St. Paul’s journey to Christ, our Accompaniment Training will help parishes, homes, and apostolates become places where we can:
We offer this training across the diocese for any parishioner who wants to grow closer to Jesus and share Him with others. For example: parish welcomers, small groups members, Alpha team, catechists and those spending time with parents of children on sacramental programmes or anyone who wants to enrich day to day conversations with family, friends and work colleagues.
Listening – Understanding – Discerning
We focus on listening to a person’s story and understanding the three Spiritual Journeys people may be travelling.
We focus on listening to a person’s story and understanding the three Spiritual Journeys people may be travelling.
To ask for the Accompaniment training, contact: lnahajski@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk
A testimony from Dan who in his return to church went through Accompaniment training and found it to be his metanoia moment.
The discussion groups for Alpha are a rich experience of exploring honestly and openly. Ananias training can develop listening skills for the group hosts and co-hosts to listen and prompt with a greater awareness that others have a unique journey
Grandparents often find themselves at the head of generations drifting away in our increasingly secular society. We lead training to help them explore new ways of relating to their children and grandchildren about faith focussed on listening to them and their concerns.
The journey into the church is a place for accompaniment. We share and discuss developing a context for meetings that supports people on their own journey and at their own pace. Attention to their story and the prompts towards faith can open up deeper conversations about the relationship they are forming with Jesus Christ.
Bereavement groups have welcomed the training as part of the conversation with individuals facing death and their families losing a loved one. We adapt to the group as they explore how to have these conversations with particular sensitivity and awareness about death.
Enjoyed the session, thanks”. “Thank you, tonight was really helpful”. “Thanks for last night, it was most thought provoking
These groups were the only option as we moved to Zoom during lockdown. We have run several Zoom groups with lots of sharing from different perspectives and different locations. With chaplains, catechists, parish secretaries, amongst the diverse participants, the discussions were fruitful.
The programme brought a new level of clarity on what happens during a journey of conversion.
The opportunity to reflect on the stages of conversion was a valuable opportunity to consider which parts I have been missing and what I might do better.
The course has changed how I might accompany others in that I know now to find out where they are on their faith journey and be sensitive to that, holding off on going into ‘Catechist mode’. I know to place my trust in the Lord that He will send another Ananias for the next stage of the journey. It is really important for a person to go through the process of coming to know Jesus Christ and developing a relationship with Him.
Pope Benedict XVI
Our desire is to present the person of Jesus and his centrality to all human history but also central to us individually. We desire to share the message that he is searching for each of us to change our lives.
The session
In One Day travel the broad sweep of scripture and discover or re-discover why Jesus changes everything. Your personal journey allows you space to reflect on our faith in Jesus Christ, our salvation, and how you share this with others.
This is a day to refresh your life in Jesus and grow in discipleship.
We use video input, scripture, silence and prayer with reflection stations. There are occasional discussions. We can accommodate large groups.
To find out more, contact: lnahajski@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk
Some feedback
“Reminded me of the focus and direction for my life.” (Catechists Day)
“Reinforced my faith in Jesus and commitment as a disciple of Christ. Ready for mission!” (Catechists Day)
“All aspects of the Retreat were powerful. I liked the times for personal reflection.” (Catechists Day)
“It has given me much needed “time out” and a chance to reflect on where I am on my faith journey and where the Lord is trying to lead me.” (Avon Stour)
“Time taken out off the day to day treadmill helps focus mind on more important things.” (Avon Stour)
“The opportunity to pause and reflect on faith and living it.” (Avon Stour)
“It was excellent. New and informative.” (Holy Communion Parent)
“This day helped me to stay in a spiritual atmosphere and to enhance my union with Christ.” (Holy Communion Parent)
“The day helped me to find out how to help my child to find way to love Jesus.” (Holy Communion Parent)
“Revisit my faith which has been lost in recent years just through normal challenges of life.” (Holy Communion Parent)
“I have learned a huge amount that I didn’t know about God and Jesus. I have found it beneficial to contemplate on big questions which I wouldn’t ordinarily take time to think about.” (Teachers Farnborough)
“it has made me consider my true beliefs and ask questions.” (Teachers Farnborough)
“it has brought me to a place where I am contemplating if I am ready to follow Jesus. Alpha perhaps.” (Teachers Farnborough)
“as a non-Catholic, but a Christian, looking at the scriptures and the life of Jesus from a different perspective farm.” (Teachers Farnborough)
“Hard to put in words but I have found the day extremely beneficial, and am very grateful to you all.” (Head Teacher)
“Time to listen to and consider how the gospel speaks to us.” (Head Teacher)
“Inspiring and challenging.” (Head Teacher)
“A refreshing and spiritual day. Thank you. I need to include silence in my prayer life.” (Head Teacher)
Using some of the principles of accompaniment we shared good practice from across the diocese showing that welcome can go further than hospitality in our church buildings. Meeting people where they are, listening attentively and giving them time to travel their spiritual journey at their pace makes space for people to make their individual journey.
“There was so much to listen to and learn from and enjoy, you had terrific people, the clips were fascinating, and the whole thing was full of ideas to learn from.”
We hope the below material and video will be a resource for you and your welcome team to help you meet people where they are and feel equipped to welcome people from all walks of life, those who are passing through to those in our wider community.
Recording of online seminar held on 21st November 2023 featuring keynote addresses by the internationally acclaimed evangelist Sherry Weddell. This event was a joint initiative between the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth and Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
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