Portsmouth Diocese e-News Issue 477

This impressive map is in the entrance hall of St. Patrick’s School Woolston. It depicts the many different countries of the world from which the children of the school come. That diversity is very evident too here at the Cathedral in Portsmouth. Mass here is definitely like a gathering of the United Nations! Many of our parishes today are ethnically much more diverse than they used to be, especially with Filipinos, Keralans, Nigerians, Poles and others enriching our communities. Let’s remember that the word catholic means ‘universal.’ Let’s thank God for the spread of the faith across the world. There are now almost 1.4 billion Catholics worldwide (and almost 1 billion other Christians). Christ’s Church has never ever been so numerically large, comprising almost a fifth of the world’s population.
Welcome to this e-News for Tuesday 4th February 2025. The Vatican issued an important document last week called Antiqua et Nova on artificial intelligence. Also, this week, we are hoping soon to initiate a new-look diocesan website: have your say on a form found in this edition about what you think would be good. Meanwhile, I wish to thank all our contributors for sending in their news and also to Deacon Craig for his expert editorial work. Have a blessed week ahead.