Portsmouth Diocese e-News Issue 478

Today, Tuesday 11th February, is the Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. It is also the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Today then, let’s say the Rosary for all who are sick in whatever way, physically, mentally and emotionally. Let us pray too for the doctors, nurses and medical staff caring for the sick in hospitals and care homes, and for all who at home are looking after a sick relative or friend. May Our Lady of Lourdes pray for them all, obtaining for them new strength, joy and hope from Her Son, Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Pope has issued a Message for this Day of Prayer for the Sick which you can read here. Have you ever been to Lourdes? Why not join us this summer on our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes? You can find the details below.
Welcome to this week’s e-News for Tuesday 11th February 2025. One pressing matter is the suggestion I heard on the radio this morning that there may be a relaxation in the requirements relating to the proposed Assisted Dying Bill: see here. The relaxation is that there may not now be a need for a decision of a judge from the High Court. Could I ask all our readers once again to lobby their MP about this?
My prayers for you all over the week ahead.