Education & Youth
One of the Diocese of Portsmouth's priorities is working with children and young adults. We serve by providing places of education, university chaplaincy, parish youth ministry and opportunities for social action.
It is a key part of the Church's mission to offer good quality education as part of our contribution to society as a whole. Catholic schools are always happy to welcome children from all backgrounds whose parents seek a Catholic education for them, where there are sufficient places to meet this demand. In cases of oversubscription, priority is given to Catholic pupils.
The Catholic Church was the original provider of education in this country. From the Middle Ages onwards, the Church took responsibility for teaching children. Central to this work has always been our dedication to providing education for the poorest in society. Following Catholic emancipation in the 19th century, the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales prioritised the building of schools before the building of churches. Then, as now, the Church's commitment to education was strong.
Young people are not the Church of the future, they are the Church of now! The life of Jesus Christ as a young person is one that Pope Francis invites us to consider in his exhortation, “Christus Vivit,” his official follow up text to the Synod on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment that took place in 2018. Young adults need opportunities and environments to grow in faith, fellowship and fun through youth ministry and mission.
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