holy family 2

Please pray for our Safeguarding Ministers

Please pray for our Safeguarding Ministers

Sunday 31st December we rejoice to keep the Feast of the Holy Family. It is also our annual diocesan Day of Prayer for those in the ministry of Safeguarding. It is a day when we pray for children and vulnerable adults, for the victims of abuse and for all who work in the ministry of safeguarding. Just as Mary and Joseph created a safe home-environment for Jesus, so too on this day, let us offer the Rosary and pray that the Church in all her contexts will be a safe haven for our children and for the vulnerable. Let us thank God too for the work of our diocesan Head of Safeguarding, Ruth Attfield and her team, and for our Safeguarding Commission and its members under the chairmanship of Bernard Davis OBE. Above all we pray for all those across the Diocese who volunteer and serve so generously in our parishes as safeguarding representatives. Here is an intercession that could be used on the day:
On this Feast of the Holy Family, we pray for children and vulnerable adults, for the victims of abuse and for all who work in the ministry of safeguarding: that as Mary and Joseph created a safe home-environment for Jesus, so too the Church in all her contexts will be a safe haven for our children and for the vulnerable.
