St. Edmund’s Way of the Cross
Last Friday, back from York, I joined one of the two end-of-term Way of the Cross liturgies celebrated in the Cathedral by the staff and students of St. Edmund’s Secondary School, Portsmouth. I gave a ‘fervorino’ at the end in which I said that whenever you come into a Catholic church, you notice two things, the Tabernacle, where the Lord’s flesh and blood is kept and adored, and above it, indeed connected intimately with it, a crucifix. Pointing to the large hanging crucifix in the Cathedral, I said that what we see on the Cross is not only Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour but ourselves, that is, what we as disciples of Christ are meant to be: people who imitate Jesus in life by laying down our lives for others in self-sacrificing love and service. An example of this, and one to thank God for, was the magnificent act of charity the children had done during Lent, raising over £800 for CAFOD and also support for Bamenda, still coming in. Please remember in your prayers the head, Mr. Graham, the senior leaders and staff, and also the students who are now on their Easter vacation.