Two New Priests
On Saturday 13th July, we were pleased to ordain two new priests for our Diocese: Fr. Ambrose Chou and Fr. Tom Hiney. It was a moving occasion, and the Cathedral was packed with guests, including many brother priests from our Diocese. Every priest has a story to tell about what God has done for them in their life, the epic journey that brought them to the priesthood. Tom was a journalist, a biographer and an Anglican Army Chaplain. Ambrose was a student of criminology. Their life-journeys testify to God’s grace. In the homily, I spoke about the anointing of the hands of a new priest: “A priest’s hands are holy because, anointed with the power of the Spirit, they have become Christ’s hands. They handle holy things. They are instruments of God’s self-giving love for His people. By the prayer of the bishop and the laying on of his hands, a new priest shares in Christ’s three-fold ministry as a priest, a prophet, a shepherd. Like Mary who holds Jesus in Her hands, so a priest holds Christ in his, as he celebrates the liturgy and the sacraments, leading people in prayer. Like Mary who presents Jesus the Word, so a priest teaches, preaches and explains to people the Word of God. And like Mary Who gave everything to serve Her Son, so a priest shepherds the flock, leading and loving it, caring for the poorest and neediest. This is why being a priest, sharing in Christ’s three-fold ministry, is a sublime vocation. It’s a life of selfless service.”
Please pray for Fr. Tom, who will serve from September in the Cathedral, and for Fr. Ambrose, who will be serve in Jersey. [Image: Ana Dobeson]
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