The Church teaches that married couples and Christian parents should follow their own proper path to holiness by faithful love and sustaining one another in grace throughout their lives. The call to love is central to marriage as a sacrament. The call to love is the heart of marriage as a vocation.
One way in which we do this is by supporting parishes to deliver marriage preparation courses, drawing from the wisdom of mentor couples.
We’re really enjoying our marriage preparation course. It’s good to be part of a group in similar situations to us and to be able to relate to ‘everyday life’ as a couple. The course has encouraged us to open up more about our feelings and priorities what really matters in our lives – Each other.
Our fertility awareness scheme on offer is an opportunity for couples to understand further the physiology of their bodies, in the joy of the total gift of self, in marriage.
The scientifically proven methods proposed to couples to plan their families are being used successfully by many families and being increasingly sought after, for health reasons amongst others. The initiative proposed here simply adds to the many choices already available which allows families to make informed decisions.
Marriage Enrichment is available in many forms. For example:
Scripture calls us to petition the Lord to protect our marriages.
The miracles and successes of parishes where the CGA is already established, is a treasure to be both celebrated and emulated.
Our grandchildren are so in need of prayers because a whole generation has slipped through the net. I pray with others to be together in one mind and heart. This is so needed as so many have wandered from the Truth and there’s so much pointing them in the wrong direction.
We want to encourage other grandparents in the Diocese to join in these ongoing prayers for all the grandchildren in the Diocese. Here are all the ongoing groups:
Every Thursday rosary before and after Mass rosary for Grandparents (not during school holidays).
Grandparents rosary once a month after 10am mass (please check with church for details)
Every Wednesday morning after 9am Mass with adoration until 11am
2nd Tuesday of the month
After 10am Mass
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