The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration that calls us together each year to pray and respond jointly to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family from around the world comes together to listen to and care for our common home. The “Celebration” begins on September 1st, the Feast of Creation, and concludes on October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology.


We will be regularly updating this page with suggestions and resources for use by parishes, priests, religious and laypeople to assist our community in celebrating the season.

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SoC prayer card

Upcoming Events

01/09/24 - Day of Creation Global Prayer Service

Join the Online Global Prayer Service for Creation Day – Sunday 1st September 3pm

04/09/24 - Pioneering Parishes: How Local Church Communities Can Become Guardians of Creation

An online event hosted by CAFOD, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and St Mary’s University – Wednesday 4th September 7pm to 8pm

Drawing inspiration from this year’s Season of Creation theme, “To Hope and Act with Creation,” and the collaborative “Guardians of Creation” project, the event will showcase how innovative parishes can serve as inspirational models for others. Featuring parish speakers and experts, the event will highlight their experiences and success stories, with the goal of inspiring other parishes to take meaningful action for the environment and promote greener practices within their communities – whether in everyday life, heritage conservation, or green spaces. The event is designed for anyone interested in learning how parishes can reduce their environmental footprint.

Visit CAFOD’s website for more information and to register.

10/09/24 - Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Webinar

Join the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Webinar (from Season of Creation) – Tuesday 10th September – time to be confirmed.

The role of Faith Actors and Governments in ensuring a just energy transition and mitigating climate change through a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Despite the evidence, governments worldwide still plan to produce more than twice the amount of coal, oil, and gas, consistent with a 1.5°C world, according to the Production Gaps Report. The Fossil Fuels Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative (FFNPT) strives for an international regime that complements the Paris Agreement by addressing the supply side of fossil fuels.  This year, the SoC Committee decided to push for adopting the FFNPT.

14/09/24 - To Hope and Act Environmental Conference

As part of the Season of Creation, Caritas is holding an environmental conference, ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’ at St Peter’s and Winchester Martyrs parish on Saturday 14th September, 10am-1pm.

To Hope and Act (4)

04/10/24 - Closing Online Prayer Service

Join the closing Online Prayer Service for Season of Creation – for St Francis of Assisi – Friday 4th October 2pm
