Nuala Oster
St Pauls Catholic Primary School
Hello there!! My name is Nuala Oster and I have been teaching in Catholic schools for over thirty years. I am married to John, we have three grown up children who had the joy of me as their teacher and they are still around to tell the tale!!
I currently have the privilege of being the Head teacher of a wonderful Catholic school within the diocese of Portsmouth, St Paul’s. I was born in Belfast and began my schooling there before my family relocated to Berkshire due to The Troubles. My primary school was another in the diocese St Joseph’s in Bracknell. Under the leadership of Mr Shaw our Head, I began to have a love for teaching being inspired by many fabulous characters. I was very fortunate to be able to continue in Catholic education right up to my degree at La Sainte Union Southampton. Throughout my career I have enjoyed teaching all age groups and in my role of RE Lead have had the joy of bringing RE to the centre of school life. I have also been very fortunate to have been trained as an SLE for RE and a Diocesan Validator, both of these roles allow me to embrace RE throughout the diocese and meet many other Leads and Heads to share thoughts and ideas.
As a lifelong practising Catholic, my beliefs form an important part of my life and I try to ensure that Christ is at the centre of everything I do. I worship at the Parishes of St. Joseph and English Martyrs where I have been both a Eucharistic Minister and a reader at Mass. I continue to be a cathechist for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
As Head, I believe that everyone within our community should be treated fairly, equally, with dignity and respect to ensure a positive school ethos. I am totally committed to the mission of our schools, as they increasingly become the Church and person of Christ for our children. This evangelising mission is best exercised through the diverse interaction of Catholic schools with their local parishes, families, societies and cultures they serve, so everyone becomes closer to and develops a meaningful relationship with Jesus. I believe that it is crucial that every school continues to place Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre of every aspect of learning, teaching and the totality of school life. Through our teaching we must engage and excite our children in their learning, to allow them to laugh, smile be happy and enable the growth/development of the whole child, to allow them to become the person God has chosen them to be.
In conclusion: First and foremost every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth.” (Pope Benedict 2008)