Shelasgh Moon
December 8th, 2022

Parish Unsung Heroes: Shelagh Moon Southampton Sunday Lunch Project

Whilst we prepare for Christmas, we must remember those groups who may be less fortunate than ourselves, including the homeless. Shelagh Moon volunteers for the Southampton Sunday Lunch Project, which provides a hot meal each week for the Southampton homeless.

Your name   

Shelagh Moon

What is your Parish        

St Vincent de Paul, Southampton

What organisation do you support?

Southampton Sunday Lunch Project

Where is it based?     

St Marks Institute Woolston & St Denys Parish church St Denys, both in Southampton.

What do they do?

They provide a free hot meal each Sunday of the year to people who are in need or lonely.

Why did you choose to join them?

In 1995 the project was started by a group of volunteers who appealed to local churches for more volunteers to start a centre in Freemantle, Southampton and I felt that I would like to help people who were less lucky in life than myself.

How long have you been involved with the organisation?

Since the first meals were served at the original site in Freemantle in October 1995

What is your role?

For the first  24 years I was on general duties including cooking and washing up. I then became a Team Leader and then joined the committee and had responsibility for bulk buying. I remain on the committee and now help with fundraising, especially at Christmas time collecting food and chocolates for our clients.

Do you need any specialist skills or training?

I did need a Food Hygiene Certificate to be able to supervise food handling, but our general volunteers just need patience and a smile.

How often do you do this?

We work in teams and are placed on a rota.

What do you enjoy about doing this?

Helping people when they are having a tough time in their life. I enjoy fundraising events.

If you had one wish to help this organisation, what would it be?

That our generous supporters will carry on supporting our project to maintain our good work.

How can others join or help your organisation (please include contact details and website if they have one)?     

We would like to welcome more volunteers and donations. More information and contact can be made via our website
