The St Edmund of Abingdon Society

Our firm belief as Catholics is that ‘for your faithful, Lord, life is changed not ended’, and that – even amidst the sadness of death – the light and love of Christ abound. One beautiful expression of this conviction is by committing support to the work and witness of the Church beyond the span of our own mortal lives, and leaving a legacy gift to the Church in our wills.

To this end, we would like to invite you to become a member of the St Edmund of Abingdon Society, newly established in the Diocese of Portsmouth to support and celebrate those who, with a legacy gift, support the continuation of our Catholic faith for generations still to come.

Membership of the Society is open not only to those who have made a firm commitment to pledge a legacy, but also very much to those who would like simply to explore the possibility further, to whom we can offer more information as, prayerfully, you consider your next steps.

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Support the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth with a gift in your Will

Every time someone leaves a gift in their Will to the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, they are entrusting us to ensure that it makes a positive difference to our clergy, church communities and to our overarching mission to bring people closer to Christ through his Church. Every gift, no matter what size, has a lasting impact. We are truly indebted to all those who choose to support us in this way. If you would like to support the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth with a gift in your Will, it won’t cost you a penny in your lifetime, but will have an enduring impact for generations to come. Making provision for the Diocese isn’t costly or complicated. To start a conversation, please get in touch by emailing


Getting the Wording Right

It is always best to seek proper legal advice from a qualified solicitor when drawing up your will or changing your existing will. Below are examples of wording for the different types of gifts which can be left in a Will. As each parish is part of the single charity which is the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth (1199568), it is wise to refer to that charity number in your will. This is to ensure that your gift goes to the correct place.

A gift of a set amount of money

I give to the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, Registered Charity Number 1199568, based at Diocesan Office, St Edmund’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth PO1 3QA, the sum of £___________   to meet the ongoing needs of the Diocese.

A gift of a proportion of what is left after all debts, other gifts and expenses have been paid

I give to the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, Registered Charity Number 1199568, based at Diocesan Office, St Edmund’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth PO1 3QA, ____% of my estate (after all debts, legacies, Inheritance Tax and administration costs have been paid) to be to meet the ongoing needs of the parish.

A gift of a specific item

I give to the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, Registered Charity Number 1199568, based at Diocesan Office, St Edmund’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth PO1 3QA, stocks/shares/property/chattels to be used to meet the ongoing needs of the Parish.

Whichever form of gift is chosen, the following clause should also be added, as sometimes charities merge or change their legal status and charity number:

If, at my death, the charity named above (Original Charity) no longer exists or is being wound up, my Trustees must:

(a)if the Original Charity has merged, or is about to merge, with another charity (Recipient Charity) and the merger, when completed, is registered in the official register of mergers maintained by the Charity Commission, pay the Recipient Charity the amount specified above as being payable to the Original Charity; or

(b)if clause (a) above does not apply, pay the amount specified above as being payable to the Original Charity to another charity that has objects similar to the Original Charity.

Benefits to Others

The Government supports gifts to charities by people in their wills and any such gift is free of Inheritance Tax. This means that when your executors are calculating whether any Inheritance Tax is payable on your estate at the time of your death, they do not have to take into account any amount which you give to the Church.

Further information can be found through the Money Advice Service


Information for Executors and Solicitors

If you are administering an estate which includes provision for the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth (Registration number: England Registered Charity No. 1199568 Jersey Registered Charity No. 457 and Guernsey Registered Charity), we would be grateful to receive a copy of the Will for our records and to ensure that we carry out the donor’s wishes as they intended.

All legacy payments should be made to the following account:

Account: CDP Legacies Income

Sort Code: 309304

Account Number: 00869741
