Portsmouth Diocese e-News Issue 476

Yesterday, was Holocaust Memorial Day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army. Over a million people were annihilated in that death camp and millions more in the other camps. Over six million Jews were killed. Towards the end of World War II, the Allied forces from east and west began discovering first-hand the horrendous scope of the Nazi atrocities. For the Jews still alive in these camps, liberation meant the end of a deadly and repressive existence. Let us make reparation for all of this and in our prayers pray for all the victims of the Holocaust, for their eternal repose, for the forgiveness of their torturers, for survivors and their families, for an end to hatred and prejudice, for peace in our world that such atrocities may never happen again, and for the courage to act against injustice.
Welcome to this e-News for Tuesday 28th January 2025, today, the Memorial of the great theologian and doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas. I wish to thank all our contributors for sending in their news and also to Deacon Craig for his expert editorial work. Have a blessed week ahead.
In Corde Iesu
+ Philip
Bishop of Portsmouth
You can read this week’s issue in full here.
[Image: Yadveshem]